A day with Miss russia 2011Natalia Gantimurova

Miss Russia 2011 Natalia Gantimurova

Miss Russia 2011 Natalia Gantimurova

The Russian Natalia Gantimurova contestant spends hours in the gym preparing for the «Miss Universe». See a video of RIA Novosti how he spends a day in the life of Miss Russia 2011.

Moscow, Russia
Date of Birth
August 14, 1991
I am a junior at State University of Russia and Humanitarian gradute in 2 years as a specialist in international relations. I have serious plans for the future and plans to work internationally one day.
I speak two foreign languages​​: English and Italian, like reading and spend most of the time events like Miss Russia, and education.
«Miss Russia 2011» 🙂
Personal Interests
Climbing mountains, traveling, horseback riding and snowboarding.


Acerca de Rusia

Noticias de Rusia. Informacion de Rusia.
Esta entrada fue publicada en Russia News. Guarda el enlace permanente.

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